Crushing Cancer: Gaylor Family Benefit Whiteboard Clinic

Coach Adam Gaylor is the Defensive Coordinator at Jenks High School in Jenks, Oklahoma. He has appeared on countless clinics, podcasts, webinars, etc., to help coaches worldwide. Unfortunately, two days before Christmas, his wife, Kinsey, was recently diagnosed with a rare and highly aggressive form of breast cancer, Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC). TNBC only accounts for 10-15% of all breast cancer; this type of breast cancer is classified as aggressive because it grows rapidly and is more likely to come back after treatment than other types of breast cancer.

Doctors have developed an extensive treatment plan for Kinsey, which includes a double mastectomy, several months of chemotherapy and immunotherapy, and radiation treatments. Unfortunately, these procedures are incredibly costly. Because of this, the coaching community has come together to form a clinic where 100% of the proceeds go to the Gaylor family.

The clinic’s goal is single-minded: to help the Gaylor family financially as quickly as possible. To do this, we needed to create something that would immediately benefit them. We wanted to attract the biggest names in the business as soon as possible. The problem? This time of year is in the middle of the apex of recruiting and is one of the busiest parts of their schedule, save the actual season. We needed a format requiring our speakers to have as little preparation time as possible while delivering a helluva product for the clinic's attendees. To make this clinic work, we are doing “whiteboard style” sessions - there will be a loose topic that the presenters will focus on, but these sessions may take different directions. This clinic will be more informal than you’re used to. You will be able to learn from the best in the business, using their dry-erase marker or computer mouse to show you some of their favorite concepts, top problems they have to solve every week, etc.; no canned BS, just ballers at their proverbial canvas.

Because of the clinic's purpose, the speed at which it formed, and the time of year it is taking place, we ask that you please bear with us with any alterations - speakers may change, times may swap, and we may tweak topics. The clinic will be live, but there are on-demand options for replay. Just keep in mind why we are doing this: to help an all-star of a man and his family.

The clinic will run from Monday, January 30th, to Thursday, February 2nd. There will be 3 sessions per day, from 7 pm EST/6 pm CST to 10 pm EST/9 pm CST, with an offensive and defensive speaker running concurrently. The cost is $39.99 per person, which includes a live ticket to attend and 1-year replay access. There is an ultimate pass which includes lifetime replay for $59.99, and a staff pass with lifetime replay for $99.99. If you purchase a ticket(s) for the clinic and want to donate more or aren’t interested in the clinic and just want to donate, we will have a GoFundMe link coming soon. Note - we can’t offer retroactive tickets based on GoFundMe donations.

You can stay tuned for updates by going to Twitter and see the pinned tweet of @CoachVass, who will provide real-time updates to speakers, topics, etc.


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It's time to get focused on the areas you need help with

Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through content you just don't need, Gaylor Family Benefit Whiteboard Clinic is delivered entirely online. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to transform your business, or catch them all. It’s up to you!

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